Number System

The concept of number systen and the conting were developed long ago. Man kind through the ages has used signs or symbols to represent number qualifying values and items in relation to each other is helpful for us to make sense of our environment . Ancient people use to straight lines or group of lines, stones , knotes on string, scratches on the wall,etc. To maintain the track of Counting or to record the information about their belongings.
Anumber System Defines a set of values used to represent quality. We talk about the number of students in a class, the number of assignments given to students, and also use numbers to represent grades achieved by the students in test but different number system may use different symbols to represent different qualities for example, as early as 30400 BC In Egypt and 3000 BC in Mesopotamia, they developed symbols for suycc\ive powers of 10 (1,10,100,and so forth). The Romans Divided a number system which could represent all the number system from 1 to 1,000,000 using only seven symbols.
( I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000)
The common system of number notation in use in most part of the world today is Arabic system.  The system was first introduced by Hindu's and was first used in India in 3rd century BC. At that time the numerals 1,4,and 6 were written in substantially the same form used today. The hindu numeral System was probably introduced into arab world about the 7th or 8th century AD. The first recorded used for system in Europe was in 976 AD.
The important innovation number symbols assume diffrent values according to their position in the wrotten numeral. Positional notation is made possible by the use of symbol of zero. We, thus, became familiar with the concept  of group of units , tens of units, hundreds of units, thousands of units and so on.
Number system are very important to understand because the design and the organization of the computer is dependent upon the number

system. The various types of number system are :
=>4:.Hexa Decimal
These number systems have three common concepts that estimates the magnitude  (Value) of the number.
i) Facevalues of digit i.e. the digit value itself.
ii) Place value i.e. the posotion of the digit in the number.
iii) The base of the system.