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Quick Introduction to QBASIC
Qbasic is an IDE interpreter for the variant of basic programming language which is based on QuickBasic. Code entered into the IDE is compiled to an intermediate form, and this intermediate form is immediately interpreted on demand within the IDE. It can run under nearly all versions of DOS and Windows, or through DOSBox/DOSEMU, on Linux and FreeBSD. For its time, QBasic provided a state-of-the-art IDE, including a debugger with features such as on-the-fly expression evaluation and code modification.


QBasic was intended as a replacement for GW-BASIC. It was based on the earlier QuickBASIC 4.5 compiler but without QuickBASIC's compiler and linker elements. Version 1.0 was shipped together with MS-DOS 5.0 and higher, as well as Windows 95, Windows NT 3.x, and Windows NT 4.0. IBM recompiled QBasic and included it in PC-DOS 5.x, as well as OS/2 2.0 onwards.[7] eComStation, descended from OS/2 code, includes QBasic 1.0. QBasic 1.1 is included with MS-DOS 6.x, and, without EDIT, in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Me. Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft no longer includes QBasic with their operating systems.[8] (However, some localized versions of Windows 2000 and Windows XP still have it, and it can be given out as freeware.)
QBasic (as well as the built-in MS-DOS Editor) is backward compatible with DOS releases prior to 5.0 (down to at least DOS 3.20). However, if used on any 8088/8086 computers, or on some 80286 computers, the QBasic program may run very slowly, or perhaps not at all, due to its memory size. Until MS-DOS 7, MS-DOS Editor required QBasic. The "edit.com" program simply starts QBasic in editor mode only, and this mode can also be entered by running QBASIC.EXE with the /EDIT switch (i.e., command line "QBASIC /EDIT").

Please wait till i completely construct this site i am sorry for the inconvenience
Q BASIC is an software which runs in dos mode you need to have a Q BASIC software installed in your computer if you don't have one you can download here please CLICK HERE To Download QBASIC

Now let us begin with what you should learning on QBASIC. To secure good marks these simple step to step Tutorials may help you a lot . To secure good marks please be attentive while you learn

Project Work in QBASIC 
 (a)  Menu base  (b)  Modular concept 
 (c)  File, editing, deleting   
 (d)  At least one Date file should be submitted (Project work should be done 
  under the guidance of teacher) 
 (e)  Document must include 
  (i) Algorithm (ii) Flow Chart (iii) Coding      (iv) Output 
Example of project could be 
(i) Mark sheet Preparation (ii) Result Processing (iii) Telephone directory  
(iv) Billing of library system (v) Billing of Monthly Schooling Payment 
  (vi) Payroll    (vii) Banking System etc. 
Project book must contain as follows in sequence: 
 (i) Cover page     (ii) Preface 
 (iii) Table of contents with page number (iv) Back ground of the project 
 (v) Aims and objectives   (vi) Need Assessment  
 (vii) Analyzing the problem 
 (viii) Designing the solution algorithm (Flowchart) 
 (ix) Coding the solution 
 (x) Output using Dummy 
 (xi) Conclusion 
7. Evaluation Assessment 
Following procedure is useful for student assessment and evaluation: 
• Question Answer 
• Observation 
• Participation 
• Practice/Practical work 
• Project work